Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bright news for a rainy day

It's kind of gloomy here in Boston today. Gray day but at least the weather is mild. After the 96 feet of snow we've gotten this winter, I'm just glad the precipitation is not frozen. : ) 

I found three more newspapers taking Brian Williams' lead in soliciting good news. The Detroit Free Press is trying to lift the gloom off Detroit, while the Shelby Star in North Carolina has already started posting the good news sent in by readers. Bob Wooten of the Northern Virginia Daily News is taking a stab at it himself in his column. Most of his items are local events and the coming of spring, but it's a start.

More good news for Detroit, depending on your opinion of the man. Jay Leno is coming to town to do a free show for the state's unemployed (Reuters). The city, one of the hardest hit by the recession, has a reported one in eight citizens unemployed after the auto industry crumbled and housing prices dove. Billed as "Jay's Comedy Stimulus Plan," the late-night host will have an hour and a half show on April 7 in the Palace.

This next one is yummy on several fronts. As reported in the Independent, Cadbury Chocolate has partnered with Fairtrade farmers in Ghana to source its chocolate. Forty thousand of Ghana's 700,000 cocoa farmers will benefit from Britain's biggest-selling chocolate brand making the move to Fairtrade.

This last one is a real heart-warmer. In Arizona, a set of conjoined twins were born in January and had an intricate surgery that same month to be separated. The two boys had health problems at first but are now doing just fine, according to the Arizona Republic. Read all the way down to the last line. It's probably the best of the article. 

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals

I really just can't resist posting these pictures. They crack me up every time. And no, Joel, I'm not that much closer to cat lady. Pbbt.

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