So the picture to the left was in an email my parents forwarded me. I have no idea where it came from, but it made me smile. Since it's Monday (and I hate mass chain emails), I thought I'd share it on my blog instead. The subject line of the email was "A good reason for a twirl in front of the mirror."
I happened to log into my computer over the weekend, which is something I rarely do. I spend so much time online at work that I just don't want to be anywhere near my computer at home. But I found, when signing onto Yahoo!, Forbes listed its annual World's Happiest Places. This year, the winner was Denmark. For the past couple years, it was Iceland, but I'm pretty sure the nation going bankrupt had something to do with that country's drop from the top.
The other mood-lifting story Yahoo! had listed was a list of foods that make you happy. Most food makes me happy, but I'm pretty sure I'm an exception. I'm just as content with Greek yogurt and honey as I am with a perfectly plated meal from L'Espalier.
When I was in high school we joked our school fight song was "Dueling Banjos." Yes, I am definitely a country girl. The following video I found on Yahoo! via Flickr is a pretty cute update to the Dancing Baby. You'll get the "Deliverance" reference upon clicking on the link...
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