I know I recently did a blog on animals, but for some reason all the stories I found today that were substantial enough to use seemed to center on man's best friend. The spring-y weather has really come out in full force lately, so everyone and their sister are out walking their dogs, pushing babies in strollers or both. The whole baby thing can wait, but I am very keen to get a dog. It feels a little cruel, this seeing dogs everywhere. It's almost like the universe is having a laugh at my expense. But one day I will have a pup of my own, more probably a full-grown one since I don't fancy potty-training.
In the meantime, I will have to settle for playing with my boys and girls at the MSPCA and reading stories like these. Britain's Daily Telegraph had a story the other day on the First Dog, Bo. The result of a much-publicized campaign promise that was actually pretty sweet, Bo is a Portuguese Water Dog and right now a very cute little ball of fluff. He is also the star of a new children's book, "Commander in Leash," about his adventures in the White House.
I have a special place in my heart for "underdogs" (sorry, I had to) of the four-legged persuasion. Perhaps that part of my reason for adoring pit bulls. But heraldnet.com had a story on Smiley the dog, who looks to have a little pit bull in him, and his narrow escape from death after ending up in a shelter and unplaced after a bitter custody battle. Happily, he was transferred to a new shelter and is now being trained for adoption.
The last two articles are more on the reunion front. In Florida, according to nbc-2.com, Monte, a 10 year-old, blind Golden Retriever somehow got out of his house without his collar. The dog was devoted to his 23 year-old owner while the young man was recovering from a bad car accident. Luckily a network of strangers stepped in to bring the dog home to his boy.
Newsok.com reports on the "dognapping" and subsequent return of Pumpkin the Chow. Trapped in a car, Pumpkin was snatched when the car was stolen. Pumpkin's owners paid the ransom (yes, someone did demand ransom for the dog and not the car), but the dognapper never told the owners where the dog was. Pumpkin's new owners called the old ones after seeing Pumpkin's picture in the paper and returned the dog voluntarily.
(Photo credit: newsok.com/The Oklahoman)