Monday, September 21, 2009


I have no actual proof of this, but I suspect one of the first things out of prior employers' mouths when called for a reference on me is, "She's very organized." At my first job, I completely organized the server on which we kept our shared files. At the second job, I ordered a filing cabinet to control the chaos that was our rainbow of copy paper colors. I'm telling you, Skittles had nothing on us. At my last job, I helped organize the photo folders on our server which is no mean feat, considering we had six to seven years worth of digital photos of 23 varsity sports.

While falling short of OCD, my devotion to lists extends far beyond any normal person, I'm sure. I actually have a little steno pad containing all sorts of lists - songs to download on iTunes, books I want to read, etc. So you can imagine how pleased I was to read a post at Very Good Taste on the Omnivore's 100. Andrew listed 100 foods - from the odd to the ordinary - that any good omnivore should eat at least once in his/her life.

England's Guardian newspaper did something similar, gathering together the 50 best foods in the world and where to eat them. Columnist Killian Fox collaborated with other foodies to track down regional specialties as well as foods commonly hailed as terrific and the best places to consume them. As with the list on Very Good Taste, some of the foods on the Guardian's slate are out-of-the-ordinary (read: I will not be traveling to Cebu to eat Filipino cuisine), but I can totally see myself stopping off at Laduree for macarons or Fosselman's for a milkshake on a future trip.

Prevention Magazine posted a partial inventory of mood-altering foods on its website. If you can get past the unfortunate choice to make the entirety of the text italic (at least on PCs), there's some interesting stuff on there. Chocolate is my self-medication of choice to treat a bad day; however, I could totally see myself happily scarfing down an English muffin with fruit jam plopped on top. Colleen Pierre, RD, also gives hints on how to improve sleeping, avoid Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), and stop stress in its tracks simply by changing your diet.

The following story on the New York Times' Caucus Blog definitely altered my mood for the better. This past Thursday, First Lady Michelle Obama helped launch a new farmer's market near the White House. Despite a steady drizzle, Mrs. Obama led a crowd of area residents and employees in the market area after some opening remarks. Her appearance was part of an ongoing campaign to help Americans make healthier choices when it comes to preparing meals.

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